ChaCha and I Have a Much Needed Heart to Heart


Sometimes you gotta say it.  

There's something in your teeth. 

You missed a button.  

Your zipper is down. 

You hurt my feelings.  

I lied, and I regret it.  Please forgive me.

Sometimes it's just fun to be honest with your dog.  It makes me think I should practice honesty with ChaCha more often.  The way she moves her head when I talk directly to her is endearing and shows she's right with me.  Oh, to be as present as a dog... to simply be in the moment is what I want to do more and more, and with more and more ease.  And, when was the last time you talked to your pet?Pet Food & Supplies

With whom are you honest?  How often?  What do you need to confess?  Who do you need to offer kind, honest, direct feedback? 

Please comment:  Just for fun: What else should I discuss with ChaCha?

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