Leader: A Few Thoughts on Education and the Ultimate Educator


To educate is literally, if you study the etymology of the word, "to lead out".  (e, "out" + ducere "lead"). Out of darkness, into the truth, the light, the facts, the truth.  The truth is sobering, especially the truths we learn about ourselves and how we relate to others.  People disappoint us, and we disappoint others. The boy, the small son, cannot live in this truth for long without some serious disillusionment.  People disappoint us, and we disappoint others.  Seeing our need for hope, Jesus offers his whole self, his life, death and ultimate resurrection as proof that he IS truth.  What other leader even claims to, let alone actually personifies, truth? So because this is my blog, I need to say Jesus of Nazareth is THE ultimate exemplar of leadership.  He is the most committed educator I have met. He is the ultimate educator, and his ministry demonstrates alignment with Mazlow's hierarchy of needs.  He took care of all our needs for safety, and protection by way of living and dying as we did, for our good, not our comfort.  Now in the secular world we don't mix much talk of Jesus with our professions, but make no mistake, Jesus, upon our further, deeper review, is the ultimate leader of folks from darkness to light, from lies to truth, from dismissal to care.  He was the quintessential equity guardian, smashing convention, and making secure folks uneasy and the downtrodden, unschooled and ordinary men and women the stars of the show.  He lived a life that keeps teaching, and he was a living breathing, inspring, humorous human textbook in the days he walked the earth.

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