Katniss stands before a large group of rebels and loyalists. A loyalist holds a gun to her head. She is weary. She is so sick of the fighting, the constant battle, the relentless tyranny of the leader of the land. So the people of Panem have divided into two factions: the haves and the have-nots, the oppressors and the oppressed. What the oppressors do is sick and twisted and Katniss has dared to oppose the status quo.
The enemy is Snow. Katiniss says it with increasing conviction and I am stirred. Katniss is a powerful analogy for every one of us. We are fighting the wrong enemy. The enemy is Snow. The enemy is misuse of power. Power without morality. Consumerism. Profit above all. Increased test scores even if those increases and tests degrade kids of color. Sexual folly masquerading as freedom. Perhaps one of the biggest enemies is the sense of "there is no enemy, and there is no truth, and people who have a sense of truth are just silly...or, truth seekers might be the enemy." Now, I just named a few, but there are so many enemies.
The latest Man in Many Roles Podcast:
So a crafty loyalist fakes sickness and as Katniss leans in to help him, he pulls a gun and is ready to end her life. She welcomes the relief from the struggle and boldly reminds the loyalist that the system is set up to focus on the wrong enemies. President Snow has loyalists pitted against rebels when Snow's selfishness and ego is the real problem.

The enemy is devious. The enemy is not who or what he appears to be. The enemy appears to have your natural, best interests, your reasonable first world expectations of comfort at heart. He is powerful. So powerful, in fact he is taken for granted. "That's just the way it goes."
"That's the way it is" "This is how the world works, so you take care of yourself."
I loved this moment in this Mockingjay Part 2. We are more weary that we realize. We often focus on enemies who are not, while ignoring truly vicious pernicious enemies. I've found consistent victory in opposing my enemies, naming the and rejecting them in Jesus' name. Enemies like, this is too hard. Or, Agh, I'm such an idiot. How about, I'll never overcome __. Either these messages are begun or fueled by the Enemy or his work. None of these messages are livable. We must oppose these messages and teach our children to do the same. Everything that doesn't support gentleness, kindness, joy, peace, patience, self-control, godliness... It must be resisted. In Jesus' name. Vehemently. Channel your inner Katniss and oppose the true enemy. The enemy is Snow.
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